The Renovation
When we made the decision to put our house on the market, it wasn't lightly done. we talked about it and went around and around, and I went faux shopping for new homes (have I mentioned how much I love walking through other peoples' homes?) and then we talked about it some more and decided it might be a good time to put our home on the market. So we signed with a realtor and then the problems began. Once you start working on your home to get it ready to sell, you realize how much is missing. You start by , say, rebuilding your deck (which by the way is now beautiful). Before you know it, the deck is rebuilt but it turns out the doors need to be replaced. So you replace them only to realize that the light fixture is awful and an abomination (how have you been living with this up until now??) so you replace the light fixture and that's when you learn that the wiring is faulty.... we had hoped our home would be on the market by now. It's getting hot and well into summer...