The Nitty Gritty of House Hunting.
So, in case you were wondering- we sold our house!! Yay! Cheers for us! We actually sold it a while ago, but I think we were in such shock over actually signing paperwork that I have been unable to process and talk about it. Towards the end of September we were kind of settling into a routine of our house being show ready, of having to wait a while to sell our home, about the market bouncing around the way it does, blah, blah blah. Then someone came along who wanted our house and we were "YAY!" then I said "OH MY GOD! WHAT HAVE WE DONE?" and M. said "See? I told you this would happen?" I guess I was thinking that the buying end of a house would be much simpler than the selling end. I thought we would walk into a home, I would clap, M. would nod his head and suggest an area for his drumkit and recording equipment, we would sign the paperwork, close on two houses in one day and be in. Yea, no. We started looking seriously. And it turns out that there is n...