
Showing posts from July, 2014

The House is Silent.

     Today is SL's second day of daycare. You might be wondering why, considering I'm still off for the summer and have a few weeks left. But right now, as I sit and type this, my baby is being fed lunch by someone else. A delightful someone else, but someone else nonetheless. And so, the house is silent. I will explain.      We learned last spring that our current babysitting arrangements were not going to be able to last this year. So we did what any American working family does. We panicked. I spent hours after school driving from daycare to daycare, each time leaving in tears at the thought of my sweet baby being one of many in a room of cribs. Sweet women led me down hallways and showed me curriculums and play areas, and children who were having fun or eating or sleeping or simply waiting for their parents. We talked about tuition payments and deposits and if they would put on sunscreen and naptimes. And I would smile and take my packets and walk to my car and cry. Becaus