Workout Post: barre3 Raleigh

Occasionally, it is time for change. There are some fixtures, however, that don’t change. Monday- Friday, barring a plague, I go to work. SL usually goes to bed by 7:30/7:45. In the morning I have oatmeal, then I kiss my baby and head off into the amazing world of librarianship and education. And in the afternoons I go for a run or head to the gym. Until lunch one day, when I heard a co-worker talking about the new barre3 studio that had just opened nearby. Actually, I think talking is not the appropriate word. I think raving better suits it. She was loving it. She is a runner, too, so my ears perked up a bit as I listened to her explain that barre3 truly was the best of ballet, pilates and yoga. And my former ballet dancer and current yoga loving self listened up. I will be the first to say that I was already aware that barre3 was coming to Raleigh. Early on, I had “liked” the Facebook page, and followed some of the health posts. But I had done nothing beyond that. Then, one ...