Those of us who love All the Things
I haven’t posted about this in a while, but felt it was a good time to update you on what is going on at my house. I am ditching my hoarding ways. Seriously. Motivation? A toddler and her things. Oh, how she loves her things. Since I’m not going to be the one who throws a toddler’s precious belongings away, it has given me the opportunity to really look at my own stuff. Truthfully, when we examine our lives, we find stuff coming from all corners. If you think I’m being metaphorical, drop by sometime. As I have started to truly look at the life I have led, there is a multitude of feelings to go with it. The first is awe that I got any sleep, ever, during high school. My high school stuff reminds me of Wes Anderson’s movie Rushmore . Even I am impressed at the number of extra curricular activities participated in, events attended and things completed during school with no caffeine. ...