New Year's 2008

t's 2008! Should we be excited about that? I still kind of want to go about ten years back. Am I the only person that actually really liked high school? Maye I just enjoy school in general. Otherwise I guess I wouldn't keep coming back. And I do, all the time. I tried to think of some new year's resolutions. Here's what I've come up with:

1) write. really.
2) begin training for some sort of event- swimathon, marathon, 10K, just something. What's the point of all this exercise and healthy eating if it doesn't lead anywhere?
3) Let go of things that are out of control. But don't think I'm going to quit lecturing on recycling and water conservation
4) Forge my own path
5) do something I've never attempted before
6) Find a barn somewhere, and ride a horse. Why did I ever stop?
7) Speak out for those who have no voice
8) Speak less, listen more.
9) Start planning a trip somewhere I've never been before.

I'm pretty happy with my life here now. I've spent so long being sad over leaving new York that i haven't been able to think about everything I can do in NC. Like afford to travel abroad, like have a home with more than one room. Like being back in an academic environment that I love and surrounded by people that I admire. It's so hard sometimes to be grateful. I know there are people out there who have it together more than I do, but I am really trying. And that's what counts. Plus i'm happy. Here are my resolutions from last year:

1) Learn to bake bread (uh, no. I'll do it this year.... maybe)
2) Pay off any debt I have accrued (yes!)
3) Max out my IRA (as all of you should!) (almost, but I'm optimistic for this year)
4) Try snowboarding (I've only been once and sucked, but I believe in giving things a second chance) (No.)
5) Do something culturally productive every month (I'm not even sure what I meant by this. But I think yes)
6) Stop being late to work (That one's going to be the hardest, but I have faith in myself) (Not really...)

I think it's interesting to see how far or not far you've come since the year before. I think this will be a year of greatness. We'll see how that rolls....


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