Bristol Palin and Why I Might Vote Republican

By now everyone is aware that Bristol Palin is very pregnant. She is 17 and will marry her boyfriend. I am thrilled. For people everywhere, this could turn the whole Republican party. For years we have heard complaints of too much support and welfare for unmarried teenage mothers, that there is too much sex ed in schools, that only trashy girls will end up that way, etc. etc. Sarah Palin said that her daughter made a choice to keep the baby and marry her boyfriend. There's no reason to get into the ethics of an 18 year old impregnating someone younger, and no reason to discuss the success rates of marriages based on impending childbirth and marriages during high school. Because as far as I know, Bristol did this on purpose and is in love with her boyfriend. Thats what I would hope. I would hope that she is not having this baby to support her mother's pro-life platform and marrying her boyfriend to satisfy a very conservative family. I had several friends who got pregnant and di...