Bristol Palin and Why I Might Vote Republican

By now everyone is aware that Bristol Palin is very pregnant. She is 17 and will marry her boyfriend. I am thrilled. For people everywhere, this could turn the whole Republican party. For years we have heard complaints of too much support and welfare for unmarried teenage mothers, that there is too much sex ed in schools, that only trashy girls will end up that way, etc. etc.

Sarah Palin said that her daughter made a choice to keep the baby and marry her boyfriend. There's no reason to get into the ethics of an 18 year old impregnating someone younger, and no reason to discuss the success rates of marriages based on impending childbirth and marriages during high school. Because as far as I know, Bristol did this on purpose and is in love with her boyfriend. Thats what I would hope. I would hope that she is not having this baby to support her mother's pro-life platform and marrying her boyfriend to satisfy a very conservative family. I had several friends who got pregnant and didn't want to get abortions because of religious conviction and married because of religious conviction. And now are unhappy because of their choices.

We should all be excited. This could be a turn for the Republicans. Maybe now they will give more money to support teenage mothers- wouldn't it be hypocritical not to? And give more money to support teenage mothers who keep their baby because lobbyists and pro-life groups told them they would help. Maybe they'll see that everyone can benefit from sex education regardless of what is taught in schools. And maybe they'll be convinced to lower the drinking age so that Bristol and Levi can have a toast at their wedding (assuming they wait until after baby Palin's birth). This could be a chance to improve funding for stem-cell research- since Palin's youngest biological child was diagnosed with that.

Personally I think it's great that the Republican party chose someone extremely right wing conservative and inexperienced. I think they have finally demonstrated how they feel about females in the office by selecting someone who governs a state with a smaller population that Raleigh, North Carolina. By doing this, they have shown that they want two different things. Their family values went out the window on this one. All I heard from Republican supporters was family values, family values. And yet when Bristol Palin needs her parents THE MOST, her mother decides to run for VP. People can say that this wouldn't be happening if it were a male, but in my opinion, a teenage pregnancy is a family crisis and deserves to be treated as such. Parents who think they should carry on living a normal life when someone has made such a grave decision should have thought about that before conceiving children. Bristol needs her mother- as the photo shows above, while she may be smiling at cameras, when they are not on her she looks like a sad, desperate teen whose mother and father are literally washing their hands of her. Finally the Republican Party has been honest about how they feel about family, about women, and about this country.


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