July 1st 2009

"My hair is curvy." - Z.H.

That's what he said, and it cracked me up. Out of the mouths of babes, right? I think it might become my mantra.

Today I watched as he tried to conquer the high dive. He climbed up the stairs (they have stairs for high dives now??) and stood on the board, staring down at the water, which must seem 100 miles away. He stood and stood until someone came through who wanted to definitely dive off the board. So the lifeguard kicked him out. I went over and asked him what happened, and he shrugged, said he felt a little scared, and immediately threw himself off the smaller spring board. I completely get it.

What I liked about watching him this morning was his amazing ability to recover. When I arrived, he told me that he had gotten a blister that burst on his hand from monkey bars yesterday, and then this morning he had a swim lesson and playtime at the pool. But he seriously just threw himself back into his life. When he couldn't go off the high dive there was no hesitation going off the lowdive or down the slide or anything. I was so thrilled to watch him do that with nary a tear shed. Even when we left the pool, he didn't have a fit about anything except what he was going to eat for lunch.

I keep trying to remember everything that I'm learning from this time in my life. I'm learning how to not have a steady job or be in school (trust me, that is something completely different for me), I'm learning what it's like to have time to write during the day (which is amazing, by the way- maybe this book will actually work out!) and I'm learning patience. Generally I have patience for some things but for some reason never when it comes to the so-called "next step". I always feel like I"m trying to move forward without really having a chance to consider where I am. Honestly I love yoga because it is truly one of the few times of my days or weeks in which I am told to stand completely still and just be. Even then I'm still moving somewhat, but corpse pose is better than sleeping.

For some reason I thought I would be able to pull my life together in an incredibly short amount of time. When does that ever happen, right? I've definitely become more relaxed, partly attributed to the fact that I have been so active this summer- yoga, running (training for another marathon), swimming, biking, tennis, and lake activities, for the short list. Oh, and picking up kids, which can definitely be back-breaking.

Goals for right now:

1) Keep applying for jobs
2) Write
3) Don't overtrain
4) Eat as many peaches as possible
5) Float
6) Read


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