Gone with the Wind

We're going to pretend I never had this brief respite from blogging. Long story short- got a job in Raleigh, moved to Apex, M and I are getting married in May, and then I'm making the move to Cary. It's a crazy triangular world I live in.

On the other hand, it's kind of perfect that I'm blogging almost exactly a year after my last post. Valentine's Day. And this year its going to be fantastic. For one thing, I'm not training for a marathon right now, so no 20 miler on V-day. For another, we now live in the same area. Most importantly, we're going to see "Gone with the Wind" tonight. Thats right- the 1939 classic film that won 10 Academy Awards. On the big screen.

M has never seen it. I quote it constantly. It's time for this to mesh. Plus I figure after we're married for a while, he won't answer so positively to so many things I suggest. I haven't seen Gone with the Wind in a few years, but when I think about it, remember some key scenes:

Dessert and Ashley Wilke's barbecue.
Kissing Rhett
The fire
Having Bonnie Blue
Bonnie Blue and her pony

Pretty intense stuff also happens in between, but I don't want to ruin it for you. You should go see it too.


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