The Educational Benefits of Marathon Training

So I'm heading towards running my first 26.2 in just a few weeks. Which is frightening on so many levels I have a hard time describing it. So I'm sticking to what I know about. Which is that I'm hungry, I'm tired, and stretch a lot more than usual (if y'all can believe that). But I also, strangely, feel more euphoric than I ever have. I have finally discovered the runners high. For me, that apparently only happens when I have run at least 7 miles and sometimes takes until 9. Depressing. But doable. And I get to eat afterwards. And during on some runs.

I'm way past the halfway point now, and it's too late to drop out of the race (though it's undetermined as of yet if I will drop in the race). I'm beginning to listen to my body more. I think the last time I legitimately did that was when I danced, and there were good reasons behind it. I listened when I felt tired, and went harder when I felt great. I ate really well, and slept a ton, and soaked my feet every time I danced. And somewhere along the way, in college, that went out the window. I just stopped, and have rarely gone back.

So training for this event has brought all those memories back. I'm soaking my feet at least twice a week (I have a huge box of salts!!). Yesterday I ate, and ate, and ate some more. When I run I'm focusing on what my body is telling me, and using the muscles, paying attention. If my quads hurt, I try to move the effort to hamstrings and rest them. If my back hurts, I spend a little more time stretching and hope that someone offers me a massage! I wonder, if everyone took time to think about it, what they would realize about their bodies.

Most of what I'm grateful for in this training is time. While it seems ridiculous that my free time is running, it gives me a chance to think through things, to figure out what's going on in my life, my work, and my head. Losing so much this year it was hard to look at what I had gained, but with each breath, my head is clearing and I feel better. Even with last week (when runs did not go well and I spent way too much time thinking), I can feel myself getting stronger, moving towards something bigger than myself.


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