Oh. Sweet. Lord.

Okay, so I have been super slack since school let out. And yet, so ridiculously busy! Turns out nesting is a real pregnant lady syndrome, and is NOT fun in your temporary apartment. When I was told that Baby Girl was in "go" position, I immediately thought, "She's coming while we're in this apartment", and went home and did two loads of laundry, folding up her tiny clothes and selecting the ever important going home outfit (for me, not her- she will look great in whatever she wears. Her mama, however...jury is out.). So the last two weeks have flown by and now, technically (by the skin of my teeth) we have reached full term together. I have asked her, every day since, to please hang in there for a couple more weeks, no matter how much I curse her feet in my rib cage.

I have to say that 37 weeks pregnant is much different than even 35 weeks pregnant. I had not a clue how much more this girl could GROW, but she has. And now I'm awake much more, and I'm also thinking about her a lot more than I was. If I don't feel her move, I try to force her too (I have been eating a LOT of fruit, and fewer cupcakes). I have been reading all sorts of books (after all, I am a librarian) and I've been chatting with her about what a great journey this has been (minus the first few months) but how we're almost ready for her to be on the outside. But not quite yet. I've been pretty much living in Babies'R'Us as I try to decide what's useful and what's a gimmick. The good news is, I am finally panicking. I wrote a list last night (just like my mother) with all the things I need to get done by the end of the week. I looked at the list, and, well, panicked. So, in taking after Beth Anne declared a catch up day. Sort of. It's more like a half catch up day but whatever. It works. Kind of. For instance, a new blog entry was on the list, and here I am typing it up.

The downside of being this pregnant is being this pregnant and watching a house get renovated. Kudos to those who completely do their own renovation and THANK YOU JESUS we have a contractor. Otherwise I would be going insane right now. Even though you have to communicate constantly about what you actually want (which isn't always what the contractor wants for you) it's definitely easier than me trying to figure things out on my own. And it's coming together! Slowly but surely. Along with that, however, things are falling apart slowly but surely. Like yesterday when I went in to find out that the hall bath pipe is also rusted and the spigot literally fell off into the tub. Sigh. Sometimes I think I should have married a plumber- sorry Matt.

So, the rest of my list for today?

1. Lunch (a pregnant lady is a hungry lady)
2. Lowe's- to talk to them about the recent tragedy in our hall bath
3. finding our sweet little one a pediatrician
4. Target. But I am not afraid. I am not afraid.
5. Hopefully a nice walk later :-) (exercise during pregnancy is a must :-))


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