Procrastination is Just Another Symptom of Being Perfect

Ideally I should be writing my master's paper right now. Actually scratch that. I should be writing my master's paper every waking second I"m not working on something more important. Like blogging or constantly updating my Facebook status. So here it is. Blogging.

I'll be a dork and say I had an amazing weekend. I think that everything about it was perfect, from company to spending time in the mountains to playing Taboo slightly drunk. And I realized that I like how old I am, and I like where I am right now. But will not continue to like it if I don't finish this degree and move on to the next thing.

Master's papers do something weird to your head. Like you start overanalyzing your life and begin home and self improvement projects like you would not believe. I am dealing with it by planning summer trips, vaguely job searching and playing with paint chips as well as using my drill (best money spent in '07!). Instead of working on sorting data and building up a bibliography. I daydream about going skiing or kayaking in tropical places, about walking through the Outback or eating sushi in Japan. And so it sits, unwritten, waiting for me to finish a 10 mile run, eat, and stare at it some more.

I read an article from '02 that said less than 9% of Americans have graduate degrees. Of course that's more than 7 years ago so things might have changed a bit, but I'm not sure. I guess that is supposed to motivate me to finish my degree. And i will. Those of you who remember what I was like writing my senior honors thesis probably remembers a lot of procrastination, oven cleaning, and philosophizing about my life......


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