Wrap Up 2013

Everyone does a wrap up blog. It's important, right? To kind of review where you've been going the last year, and figure out how to keep the readers (and yourself) happy. So this is my wrap up. Things we did in 2013: 1. Bought a house. 2. Did major renovations on said house. I promise the pictures are coming later this week. 3. HAD A BABY. The Johnson & Johnson ads aren't kidding- a baby changes everything. Which is why I can do my year end wrap up at 6 p.m. on New Year's Eve, because it's probably going to be just me and Carson Daly (and maybe Matt) tonight. 4. We moved. Massive undertaking. 5. Began to have fantasies in which I slept for 8 hours, got up, ate a hot breakfast at a table, then went to get my nails done. 6. Wondered how I got to exactly this place.
What I went back to, and what I always go back to, are 3 New Year's Eves that were important to me. The first was New Year's Eve 2000. It was the first NYE I actually got invited to awesome events and HAD TO TURN DOWN ALL INVITATIONS to spend it at home with my parents instead, because they believed something crazy was going to happen at the turn of the century. I had a really hard time getting over the disappointment. A really hard time- clearly, since i"m still writing about it 14 years later, right?
New Year's Eve in NYC. The years I spent up there changed my entire 20s, and I am forever grateful. But the first NYE up there was amazing, and I couldn't believe that a small town Southern Girl was actually hanging out with models, in and out of clubs, dancing, and not going home until first light. Ah-Mazing. Everyone should do it.
The first NYE I spent with my now husband. We went out with his friends (he invites, he plans) and stayed out at clubs most of the night. I drank Champagne out of a Chipotle cup. Seriously. I think that sums it up.
Tonight is the first night I've had a reality check about what it means to be celebrating NYE with a baby. We had invitations to go to a couple of friends houses. And we seriously considered it. I had an invite to a Carolina basketball game (it pains me to even write that) But then SL had her six month check up today with FOUR SHOTS IN HER TEENY, TINY LEGS, and that went out the window. And we definitely aren't messing with her evening routine. So instead, we're staying in. I just went on my final walk of the year with her, and we looked at the houses all lit up that probably won't be tomorrow, and I thought about how things have changed in the last 12 months. Which means my "resolutions" have changed. I also read this post from James Clear-
http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/230333 and thought it was amazing. If you haven't read it, you should. Maybe right now, then come back to the blog.
If I'm focusing on systems instead of goals, I would say that I'm planning on running again starting in January. Maybe a lot. Which would theoretically lead to a couple of races, though I'm not sure if I'm marathon ready quite yet. Those long runs would be a beast while nursing.
I would say I'm planning on writing. This morning I was listening to John Grisham on the Diane Rehm show, and he was talking about how he begins writing his book on January 1st, finishing July 1st. She told him that was impressive, and he brushed it off, saying, "If you write for several hours a day, the pages just sort of pile up" (God, I hope that I"m getting that quote right. And I hope John Grisham reads this. I'm doubtful about both). When I look back over the blog, I can see that I posted most months, but not as consistently as I could have. And my journal sort of fell to pieces- SL's baby book is a collection of calendar pages from my filofax. Yes. I still own and use a Filofax. I LOVE THEM.
I'm focusing on making our house a home. It's time to hang something on the wall. Hand me a hammer.
But most importantly, I'm focusing not so much on what SL is doing day in and day out, but enjoying the tiny moments I have with her- rocking her at night, blowing bubbles with her, playing peek a boo or whatever game is her fancy. And trying not to let my focus be on back pain or laundry (there is a lot of both) but on how much love goes into parenting. There is so much hate in the world that is dissipated just by looking into her beautiful face. That's what I want her to know. That love can win, and if you think it can't, you should talk to someone with a baby.


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