Pre-Christmas Thoughts

Over the last seven days, these are actual thoughts I have had or things that I have said, that I think directly connect us to both the joy of Christmas and the stress that goes with it. Merry Christmas!

1. (happened in Target): In the event of a sudden onslaught of zombies, what are my weapon choices? Ahh, the wooden Advent Calendar marked down 30%.

2.  (Harris Teeter) How did I leave without milk? How am I in my car, full of groceries, without the @!)$#K milk?

3. Maybe it's time SL drank more water than milk.

4. Did I really just ask the guy behind the counter to help me find a "lighter oolong tea"? Who am I?

5. I'm going to go for a run. Nah, I'm going to take a nap.

6. Did Mary stress over Hannukah gifts for Jesus every year?

7. There is a Prius with a "I'm a Conservative" sticker. Right next to an Elephant sticker. Oh, irony.

8.  "Yes, I'm looking for fresh cranberries. Not canned. Well, would you mind going and looking? I know it's 5 p.m.."

9.  The reason I shop in Fresh Market is because they offer me free coffee. Every. Time.

10. I'm pretty sure Jesus would never have demanded Lego anything.

11. While I'm worried about having the right presents under the tree, I wonder how many people around me are worried they won't have any presents under the tree.

12. Oh, alma mater, I don't want argyle socks in exchange for donations!

13. "Next pea that goes on the floor, well, that means dinner is over."

14. "Welcome to our home!" (directly stolen from Christmas Vacation)

15. Maybe  I should email the Amazon Wishlist out.  No, it's too out of control and dated.

There are so many other things floating around in that space, but these are some of the ones that have me really thinking about my own humanity. About what happens to us around the season of Advent, about how easy it is to get so distracted by the chores that need to be done, we forget to take time to always, always, be aware of how we are blessed.  I am one of them.  Merry Christmas to everyone out there who would never want anyone ever to see what is going on inside their heads at any given time.  Merry Christmas to those who walk the aisles of the mall with straight faces and don't stop at every cookie kiosk and pretzel stand. Merry Christmas to those who literally can't think of a single thing they want, and thus will end up with new socks or a membership to the Jelly of the Month club. Merry, Merry Christmas.

"Oh no, nobody's walking out on this fun old-fashioned family Christmas! No, no, we're all in this TOGETHER!" - Clark Griswold


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