Banning the D&X Procedure or our fight for Roe vs. Wade

I was very disappointed to hear that the Federal Supreme Court ruled to abolish partial -birth abortion. At least in states that "wanted" to do it. Meaning most of the Bible Belt, and beyond that I'm sure a lot of other places. They wrote that they were trying to protect women from "making a choice that could cause...loss of esteem". Part of the reason I'm shocked this went through is that there is nothing that can cause "loss of esteem" faster than a woman carrying to term a baby with birth defects, a woman wanting to get an abortion and being refused, or a woman who is bringing into the world a baby that is not wanted.

Right wing supporters suggest alternatives- adoption is one of the suggestions. I have a suggestion for them- why don't they put their money where their mouth is and adopt a child. After checking the current Trends in Foster Care today, there are somewhere around 800,000 children currently in foster care (2005).Of these, only 51,000 were adopted. So I guess that's not working. And they don't want teenagers to be taught about birth control. Which I will guess won't work. Trends in my parents community alone shows an INCREASE in teen birth mothers rather than a decrease. I'm so confused about what the right-wing is seeking.


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