Traffic in NC

or at least the Triangle area. Today may have been a day out of "Office Space". I spent two hours on 40-E going 25 miles. at approx. 20-25 miles per hour. It really took that long. In the time I was on the road, I had two phone conversations, worked on my nails and hands, and thought of reasons to carpool. Or at least incentives that would help people want to carpool. These are some of the ideas I had:

1) Tax break for people driving and participating in organized car pools
2) Gas cards for drivers of carpools (maybe $150/year?)
3) Discounts on car maintenance through Jiffy Lube or something for drivers
4) Special lanes for cars holding three or more people
5) Free Satellite radio

I think the best thing would be for hte Triangle to realize it's becoming more urban and embrace it. And put in a true Public Transportation System. I was imagining, to start, a high speed train looping from Raleigh to Durham to Cary and Chapel Hill. It would make few stops, but each one would be located near a parking lot, for people who wanted to essentially park and ride. It would be inexpensive, "green" and fast. Maybe looping at 80 mph it could make complete trips in under an hour. It would offer comfortable seating, a cafe car complete with bookshelves for trading reading material, and wireless internet. I think it's brilliant.


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