The State Fair is Almost Here

Really there are several things that I abso-lute-ly love in NC. One is the Duke- Carolina game, be it basketball, football, or even soccer. The second is the NC State Fair. Held every year in Raleigh NC, the State Fair is a cumulation of everything that is good about the South- giant vegetables, rides that might fall apart at any moment, and deep-fried anything (even pickles or Twinkies. really.) I've been going nearly every year since I was too small to remember. My favorite memories are from when I was in elementary school and my parents would actually let me skip a half-day to head over to the fair with them. I loved being pulled out of school for any reason, but that was an especially good one. I loved eating junk food, picking up cheap prizes at the grab-a-bag, and petting the goats and seeing the bunnies. I could go on and on.

So I talk about the fair a lot this time of year. It's nothing against anyone else's state fair, it's just that this one is the best. when I was in high school, we actually used to go there for lunch on several days, since it runs ten days and someone always had a pass to get in. I even have a routine depending on what gate I enter in. Really. If I enter in the gate nearest the mill that's where I try to start if they're running it at that time (two words: Free Hushpuppies). I then move on to the Horse Shows. I never see the same one twice but always enjoy them for whatever reason and spend probably about a half hour watching the ponies and Saddlebreds and Donkeys compete. Then I move on to the petting zoo, rabbits and pigs (I try to do all the animal stuff together so I can get back to the food). When I'm through with that I head on to Yesteryear. where you can get your sunbonnets, handmade guitars and other yesteryear-ish things. Plus the people have to wear authentic clothing. It's just more of the fabulous atmosphere that awaits fair goers.

Honestly I have no idea why I love it so much. It's become iconic in my life. When I was in New York I missed it as the fall passed and I couldn't go. It's just a really great event right before Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Year's. And it's something that you shouldn't miss. If you're reading this from somewhere other than NC I'm sure you can find a fair,too. Do you really want to live your life without ever seeing the State's biggest cabbage or a tractor pull?


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