Insurance in America.

Always a socialist at heart (I told y'all I love the French), I'm speaking out on insurance in the US today. It started with a phone call last night. One of my friends just suffered her second miscarriage in a very short period of time. She went to the ER and then to her normal doctor. Who said she suspects she has lupus. I'm not going to judge her for actually getting pregnant on purpose without health insurance. But I am going to judge Blue Cross Blue Shield for trying to charge her $700 a month for insurance. When her husband hasn't received a paycheck in two months. When she has two children to feed. She doesn't know if she has lupus- she doesn't have money for the test required. Nor does she have the insurance to cover it.

Now, onto situation 2. My friend has a friend who has a medical disease that requires daily medication. But he isn't getting it because he again doesn't have health insurance. And he needs it- without it he could get really sick and end up in the hospital- again, with no insurance.

And I'm throwing in one of my mom's acquaintances. who lost her insurance when her husband was fired. Now, she has colon-cancer, and he just had open-heart surgery, and they have no way of paying for these treatments. Last year they made less than $20,000 combined.

I'm confused about why, if we are going to do privatized insurance we're only going to let rich people have it. Then we're going to complain when people use the clinics. Then our president is going to veto a bill to help children get the health care they need while all the time talking about how he's anti-abortion. Someone please explain this to me.


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