Tis the Holiday Season

which means it's time for caroling, warm drinks, and dealing with the crises of a family. Or, in our case, 2 families. Trying to balance out what we want for our Christmas, with the wants and needs of our families, isn't always easy. What's even harder about this year is the housing situation. Or lack thereof. Looking around my living room right now, there are boxes EVERYWHERE, half packed, mostly packed, empty, taped and packed, but there is nary a Christmas tree in sight. Just a few cards on the mantel. In case you're wondering, we LOVE CARDS, so keep 'em coming, y'all! How else am I going to see pictures of your beautiful faces? This past weekend I was really craving Clark Griswold in my home, but had the realization that all of my DVDs are packed up and in storage (like so much of our lives right now) and it wasn't happening. I have to say, Netflix, while I'm very happy you added Disney to your approved list, I was a little disappointed that your Christmas movie selection is, shall we say, lacking? I think cable has a run on Buddy the Elf and Clark. What they can't take away from those of us who don't have cable is Christmas Caroling. I'm so happy I live in an area where a radio station plays them 24/7. Makes my life better every day, and especially improves my mood while on the way to work. The holiday season hits the little ones early and hard, and corraling them for 7 hours a day isn't always easy or productive. Happy Holidays is what terrorists say. Merry Christmas Love, Me.


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