Friday the 13th is Always Super Fun
Actually normally I don't blame things on Friday the 13th. I mean, what are you going to do,right? Weird things happen to me all the time and Friday the 13th only rolls around occasionally. But this morning was an exception. For starters, i was going to be early to work. That never happens. I think every employer I've ever had can attest that even with my enthusiasm for various jobs and clientele, I am rarely to never early. Most of the time being there on time is a stretch for me. But this morning was different. This morning I was up, fed Nigel and Lucy, and even had time to watch part of the Westminster Show I dvr'd earlier this week (that's right, I'm not ashamed. Those dogs are freakin' adorable.) I decided I'd made the right choice in not going to the gym and giving my body a break (ran 8 yesterday). I sipped my tea and made some more for a to-go mug. I sauntered (okay I walked fast) to my car, hopped in and was able to get right on 40 without a hitch. ...