Friday the 13th is Always Super Fun

Actually normally I don't blame things on Friday the 13th. I mean, what are you going to do,right? Weird things happen to me all the time and Friday the 13th only rolls around occasionally. But this morning was an exception.

For starters, i was going to be early to work. That never happens. I think every employer I've ever had can attest that even with my enthusiasm for various jobs and clientele, I am rarely to never early. Most of the time being there on time is a stretch for me. But this morning was different. This morning I was up, fed Nigel and Lucy, and even had time to watch part of the Westminster Show I dvr'd earlier this week (that's right, I'm not ashamed. Those dogs are freakin' adorable.)

I decided I'd made the right choice in not going to the gym and giving my body a break (ran 8 yesterday). I sipped my tea and made some more for a to-go mug. I sauntered (okay I walked fast) to my car, hopped in and was able to get right on 40 without a hitch. Then things took a downward spiral.

The Cure was on. "Just Like Heaven". Which may as well be my anthem, since I love that song almost as much as I love the beach. I'll admit it, I was dancing a little, and singing a lot, and took the exit I thought was on my way to work. In my defense, the sun was in my eyes. So I took the exit, came to the stoplight, looked around, removed my sunglasses, looked around again, and said "Oh, s***". I had taken not only the wrong exit, but an exit I had only used once before.

But I thought it wasn't a big deal. I mean, I was literally right below 40. So I figured I'd take a left then an immediate right, hop back on 40E and problem solved. Wrong again. Because at this particular exit, 40E is only obtainable by doing a U-turn somewhere coming back, getting in the right hand lane then LOOPING back onto the highway. Of course, it took me about 10 minutes to figure this out, then find somewhere to turn around. All in all, very confusing.

So, finally, I arrive at work. Late. Walk into my boss's office, tell her what happened, and she said, "Don't you know you could have just taken a right and been here?"

Dammit, people. Why does RTP have to be both complicated AND confusing??


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