Let's Play Catch Up

OKay, I'm completely updating. Sorry it's been so long- so I'll post my myspace posts on here starting now....

Holidays at Home
Current mood: amused
Category: Religion and Philosophy

For the most part, I'm highly satisfied with the events that transpired over the holidays. I got to see Joe, Emily, Tim, Bonnie, Lee, Susannah, Bonnie G., my cousins, my nieces and nephew, my brothers and my grandmother (essential since she has been in and out of the hospital lately). I spent time walking the giant dog, watching every Christmas movie I could get my hands on, and being chased by animals while running. I also read a lot and played the piano every day and reveled in the smell of garlands and Christmas spirit. Here are some quotes to spread that holiday cheer along....

My favorite things this season:

"Katherine's hitting every one! If I didn't know any better, I'd have to say she's played the Wii before..."

"If I did find $20, it's not like I'd give it back to you. I'd defintiely keep it."

"So our dessert options are as follows: coconut cake, yellow cake with chocolate icing, carrot cake, cookies, homemade candy." "What about diabetes? Is that an option?"

"Are you aware of how many dangerous dogs are left out?I had a chihuahua on me for a quarter mile!"

Christmas Vacation, Miracle on 34th Street, Christmas Carol, The Grinch who Stole Christmas, Charlie Brown's Christmas Special, A Christmas Story (I think the bits and pieces added up to watching it twice on TNT), some weird Lifetime movie marathon

"I think we should remove the hardware before we prime."

"Straight Johnny Walker would be excellent. Never mind, Mom is watching, water it down."

" I have no Christmas Spirit left. So please don't tell me how great this holiday is. I just want it to be over."

"Is there someone special in your life?"

"It's the only time of the year when there's a good chance you're going to be trapped in a house with most of your family for hours and hours. Even if we try to be dishonest, at some point the honesty will seep through. And that will equal disaster."

"Do these dashboard hula girls actually hula?"

"I'm sorry, but "bobbing for apples" as a Club Cranium card is just wrong. Acting that out makes it worse."

"So two people with master's degrees can't figure out what "Arrrrrt!" is?"

"What are you doing in Target the night before Christmas Eve?"

"I deal with it by smiling and nodding. A lot. Maybe an excessive amount. I might tone down the smiling and nodding and add in monosyllables this year."

"You have to have a degree to be a librarian?"


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